We run our farm for you to enjoy and as a safe haven for Devon's wonderful wildlife. A third of the farm is a site of special scientific interest (SSSI). This national designation marks Popehouse Moor out as amongst the best sites for culm grassland wildlife in Devon. When you holiday at our lodges and cottage the whole farm is yours to explore and relax in. And we can almost always make time to give you a guided tour of the nature reserve. Thank you for holidaying with us - your stay makes our wildlife conservation possible.
This blog is about our wildlife management as we strive to make the farm even better for our dormice, badgers, foxes, owls, orchids.... and you.

Sunday 16 June 2013

Tadpoles growing into frogs at Wheatland Farm, Devon

Some of the tadpoles have grown themselves legs and crawled out onto the bit of wood we left floating in their tank. Time to take them back to the pond...